Factors to consider when investing in a print MIS

Being the leader responsible for making critical decisions, you understand the importance of investing in the right technology to empower your organization. And with numerous options available, it can be overwhelming to identify the ideal print MIS / ERP solution that aligns with your unique requirements and business goals.

We have curated a comprehensive list of factors to consider, ensuring you have a well-rounded understanding of the key aspects that may influence your decision-making process. From functionality and scalability to integration capabilities and vendor support, our checklist covers a wide range of essential criteria that will help you make an informed choice.

Business alignment: The right system should align with the company’s overall business strategy and support its growth and profitability objectives, and furthermore have specific focus on all processes from estimate and quote to production, shipping, and invoicing. PrintVis is continuously developed by print industry specialists and is the complete end-to-end solution for the print industry to help print shops run and manage their operations.

Competitive advantage: The system must be able to streamline your company’s operations, reduce costs, improve efficiency, and optimize warehouse management, all to enhance customer service and satisfaction. With PrintVis you can keep track of all print processes, as well as planning, warehousing, invoicing, and reporting to avoid bottlenecks, inefficiencies, errors, and misalignment.

Time to market: The right system should allow the company to bring new products to market faster, respond to changing market conditions, new customer requirements, and quickly adapt to new business opportunities. PrintVis has seen the changes in the market and understands manufacturers must adapt to demands and produce custom packaging in smaller quantities with a shorter lead time.

Data analytics: The system should provide robust data analytics, allowing you to gain insights into your company’s operations, customers, and market trends. PrintVis is built directly on Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central and integrates with Microsoft Power BI. All the data you want at your fingertips.

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Flexibility and scalability: The ideal system should be flexible enough to adapt to the company’s changing needs, whether due to expansion, mergers, and acquisitions, or shifts in business strategy. And it should have the ability to add new functionality over time. With PrintVis SaaS you only pay for the number of users you need. Scale up, or down, from month to month. PrintVis has two major releases per year with improved functionality and value-adding features to remain ahead of the print industry’s needs.

Cost:  Most print companies fall into the small-to-medium (SMB) business category, and historically the startup costs of a full ERP system have presented their greatest barrier to adoption. By paying only a fixed monthly fee per user, print companies can curtail that large upfront investment, which in turn frees up assets to drive your business forward. With no need to invest in internal infrastructure, your up-front costs are hugely reduced. You also get fast and easy upgrades, saving even more money and avoiding problematic downtime.

Ease of implementation: The right MIS/ERP system can be implemented quickly and efficiently with minimal disruption to the company’s operations. Being an out of the box solution, PrintVis is a standard system for the print, packaging, and label industry. We know your industry and setting up PrintVis requires a minimum of customizations to get you running in a fraction of time compared to other systems.

Integration: The system should integrate with existing industry-specific technology. Standard integrated software solutions like PrintVis and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central are truly integrated because there is one system that covers all administrative processes in a single database. PrintVis has successful integrations with many 3rd-party prepress systems, packaging-specific systems, label, paper vendor, web-shop, shipping and payment systems, and of course JDF/JMF software.

Security: The system should have robust security features to ensure that the company’s data is secure and protected from unauthorized access.  PrintVis SaaS allows you to automatically back up your data to the Microsoft Azure cloud, set user permissions on an individual level, know that all your data is recoverable even if your hard drive crashes.  There are multiple security measures built around this setup, and all of Microsoft’s Azure technicians live and breathe for your action speed and the security of your data. Azure is a secure platform that encrypts important data and information.

Avoiding disconnected systems: Dealing with multiple vendors, multiple contracts, multiple places to go for support is tiresome and time-consuming. PrintVis is the complete end-to-end solution for the print industry to help print shops run and manage their operations. Powered by Microsoft. Keep your quote, order, job ticket and shop floor data in the same system, manage shipping and build invoices in few clicks.

Future-Proofing: You need to assess whether the preferred software solution can accommodate future advancements and changes in the printing industry. This includes compatibility with emerging technologies, such as cloud-based solutions, mobile access, and support for evolving print formats and standards. And in addition, how does the roadmap for product development look like? PrintVis have two major releases per year in which we add new functionality and improve existing features. With a cloud implementation you are always up-to-date on the most recent version.

Vendor reputation: You may want to evaluate PrintVis’ reputation and track record in delivering ERP solutions. PrintVis was founded in 1997 and has been focusing on the print industry ever since. Listen to our customers >


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