One System for Your Entire Print Finishing Operation

Post-press facilities for print finishing and bindery services have their own unique needs when it comes to the daily management of production. PrintVis powered by Microsoft can be tailored to suit all of your requirements, from estimation to job monitoring to shipping.

Because print finishers generally handle added-value product from their customers (the printer), they bear a greater liability when something goes wrong. With PrintVis, you can ensure that your 3rd shift crew maintains the same QA standards adhered to by the day shift when management is on premises.

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PrintVis is print MIS that empowers your entire post-press operation

Binderies typically provide subcontracting to printing companies. The nature of the machine park for finishing is often more specialized than in regular printing companies. Often we see hardcover binding, hot foil stamping and special lamination or varnishes here. For binderies we activate some fields and formulae which are not so often used. When giving quotes some other parameters are important; finished formats, book block and signature sizes are key indicators

Our print finishing solutions include tools to estimate based on these indicators to help support the busy quoting department. We often see requests for the same bindery job in 2-3 different variations of method and the best way to handle this in a smooth way is to have good templates and create the job in 3 different variations. This part of the industry can make great use of the price matrix functionality which allows detailed price lists for pages/quantities, and communicate this information to customers. Price lists in Excel sheets are common for binderies – but with PrintVis they know the exact economic value to the company for each price given out.

“PrintVis is special because it can be adapted to any manufacturing process.  The program does not care whether you are producing offset, digital, wide format, or apparel.  In addition, the program allows complete flexibility in the bindery and fulfillment arena.”

U.S. Customer, running PrintVis in the cloud

Print and Finishing Solutions

Binderies must manage material provided by the printer and material which is in-house in the same production. The cardboard imposition for front, back and side and the optimum imposition of ‘bindery leather’ material is all estimated to make best use of the many types of raw material which are used. Shipping from binderies can be directly to customers, to other binderies for more work, or back to the printer. This information is an important part of the project management which PrintVis helps provide – jobs which have multiple components, multiple stages of productions, and even multiple orders throughout the course of the year but maintained as a single project.

These are everyday concerns in the world of commercial print, and finishing solutions are an integral part of PrintVis.

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