An Early – and Happy – Cloud Adopter
On February 4th 2013 the print broker company Production Facilities from Denmark, went live on their new PrintVis cloud-hosted solution. Given the nature of the business it was quite fantastic to see how a 3-hour RapidStart setup could satisfy 80% of the basic setup required for running a company in daily life.
The implementation project went on for only 6 days – all based on web access from the PrintVis consultants. After a fully-dedicated backup is online for the first 1-2 days, there would be a slow transition from the hands of the dedicated consultants to the hands of Support desk – supported by weekly followup in the first month.
A Fundamental Improvement in Workflow
In the period after go-live the users have been in close connection with PrintVis staff to get online training and help with any startup issues. On the PrintVis implementing team the consultants Dennis Thomsen and Kit Tomshøj participated. In this implementation there was much focus on sub-contractors and managing these with regards to price inquiries – bids from sub-contractors and choice of sub-contractors based on the bids given.
One key benefit for a small company using PrintVis is that even on a smaller installation of the software all of the functionality can be used. In this case it means specifically that handling a wide number of sub-contractors in estimation and with full purchase management is all integrated into one flow. For Production Facilities this has meant a fundamental improvement of the workflow – and much higher security in terms of coherence between purchase invoices to job costing to sales invoices and of course statistics on the overall business.
Pricing for PrintVis is available by subscription – which allows for a much lower starting cost than a perpetual license would.
Book a demo to see how PrintVis can optimize performance in your business.