Zalsman BV
Zalsman BV is a regional, national and internationally-operating graphic arts company in Zwolle, The Netherlands. It has been a family-run business since 1857, currently employing over 100 professionals.
Zalsman specializes in offset and digital print and in-house finishing, as well as logistics and warehousing. Standard clients include health care, educational and governmental institutions. Working with Rainbow Solutions, they have been using Microsoft Dynamics NAV and the PrintVis solution for the graphics industry for over 5 years now.
Their ICT Manager and Director of Innovative Print spoke with PrintVis Partner Rainbow Solutions late in 2015, regarding the challenges his company faced while searching for and implementing a new MIS/ERP system company-wide.

Finding a Solution
Previous Solution
Zalsman’s previous graphical management information system functioned just fine for them in the beginning, but when they wanted to extend their services for customers to include logistics and digital printing it proved unfit for the task. Also, because it can be difficult to know what the future will look like, they understood they needed a flexible system.
Search Criteria
One important condition for a business solution is that it comes with a stable and reliable partner to work with – a partner that also provides sufficient support in the long term, and of course a partner that can provide a stable and scalable system. For Zalsman it was crucial to obtain a total solution, including for their financial department – a fully-integrated system where all processes are automated.
Of course, they were aware that there would be some challenges with the implementation of a completely new system. But by managing projects well, using thorough planning and a lot of communication, they have avoided many problems.

Another important advantage of PrintVis is that it allows the Zalsman team to work quickly, efficiently and in a well-organized manner.
The insights into the business processes such as financial status, calculation of print orders and planning has improved significantly with the use of PrintVis. Zalsman leverages such data to earn direct time and money – not to mention the benefits they anticipate with future plans.
Perhaps the best aspect of Dynamics NAV/PrintVis is the real-time visibility in progress of all processes – especially from a financial perspective. Thanks to PrintVis, the Zalsman team can analyze specific problems, detect and tackle them.
Looking Ahead
Their next step is to transfer other business units to PrintVis. Once all of their companies are implemented, they plan to consolidate the entire group and then proceed to optimize the capabilities of Microsoft Dynamics NAV and PrintVis.
About the Partner
Rainbow CrossMedia is the PrintVis Partner for the printing and packaging market in the Netherlands and Belgium. Rainbow also focuses its activities on crossovers such as fulfillment, communications and logistic businesses.
For Dutch and Belgian companies whose business opportunities extend beyond the realm of print, there is a need for standard ERP along with print-specific MIS. Entrepreneurs with vision especially appreciate the worldwide support, flexibility and long-term continuity of Microsoft Dynamics NAV and the integrated PrintVis solution.
Contact: info@rainbowsolutions.nl