Become a PrintVis Super User

PrintVis Super Users are designated resources within your organization who will become certified to learn how PrintVis works and be able to transfer their knowledge to other end users. They will become your internal experts on the system and will get a significant level of skill – high enough to understand how the system is set up and be able teach it to other users.

The Super User training enables the successful participant to gain full insight into the use of PrintVis from a user perspective. The participant will understand the key setups and features of the solution and will be able to help internal colleagues as a Super User of PrintVis.

The training is available online and will take the Super User through everything from user setup and estimation to planning and shipping.

The participant will receive his/her certificate upon completion of the entire training program. Each lesson ends with its own exam in which the participant has five attempts to pass.

Where do I start?

To enroll in the PrintVis Super User training please contact your PrintVis Partner.

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