Let’s continue to look at some of the nice new features we presented to customers last week in lieu of DRUPA…
With DRUPA postponed until April 2021, we thought we’d share what we’d be doing if we were in Düsseldorf right now, which would be giving introductory demos of the latest in PrintVis to the thousands of passers-by at the world’s largest print industry trade show. Our latest release, PV16 was officially launched last week, right on time for DRUPA! Alas, DRUPA wasn’t there to share in the festivities. Not to worry – we had a nice series of webinars this week, presented exclusively to PrintVis end customers around the world, where we highlighted some of the newest features of PrintVis and how we continue to develop our world-proven print MIS on the equally established and formidable base of Microsoft Dynamics – once NAV, now Business Central.
Estimation – and the ability to perform complex, highly-detailed calculations – is really the core of the PrintVis system. Use your imagination and compare this ERP platform to a grand hotel, with each floor adding a new layer of functionality to the whole, and each room on that floor housing a crucial component of that functionality.
Well, a good estimating system, for printers, might as well be the front desk. That’s where it all begins! So it’s no surprise that we continue to hone our estimating capabilities with each release – coming up with new ways to not only speed up the process, but to make it more human, more intuitive – without sacrificing a shred of accuracy. Most print estimators spend their days bombarded with multiple job scenarios which they need to consider and carefully calculate – and sometimes a questionnaire – a check sheet – can speed things up and keep certain processes from being overlooked.
Continuing as we do each year to enhance our PrintVis Quick Quote functionality, for PV16 we’ve added such a questionnaire – which you can tailor to meet the needs – to answer the questions – that your estimator encounters on a daily basis. Here’s a quick look:
Want to try it for yourself, and see more of what PrintVis can do for your shop? Book a demo today!